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AquaMask-An Innovative Snorkel Mask

Discover the must-have gadget for your beach holidays.

It offers the option of adding a camera so that you can record your underwater trip.

Kids and adults alike can enjoy snorkelling in a simple and uncomplicated way.

It comes with lenses that prevent any condensation and fogginess from forming when practicing sports.

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2287 Henery Street Wichita, KS 67202

professional glass-washing-machine manufacturer

This is Phoebe from New Fortune Machinery, which is a professional glass-washing-machine manufacturer in China.

We have been supplying glass washing mashine for Saint Gobain (Shang Hai, shandong,CHINA and India ) for more than 8 years. We also supply glass washing machine for Pilkington Gulin, China and NSG Safety Glass,Tianjing, China. Xinyi Glass, one of the largest automotive glass manufacturers in China, use our automotive glass washing machine as well.

If you are interested in our glass washing machine (flat or curved), feel free to contact me.


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