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Secret Behind Affiliate Elite

Secret Behind Affiliate Elite

Secret Behind Affiliate Elite

Brand new affiliate marketing software allows you to work

NOT harder and easily double, or more, the amount of
profit s

your business generates, or your money bac k!

Find out if Affiliate Elite really does deserve its guru
status – The Absolut e Truth Revealed, about Bra d Callen
before you decide…

If you?re already chomping at the bit, you can get a sneak preview here:

The Guy that DISLIKES Affiliate Tools tells you the complete
truth about Affiliate Elite…

Fellow Affiliate Marketer ,

Lets talk serious about affiliate software and really get
something dea d straight before we go any further.

Affiliate tools, I probably hate them more than you do, and
I always have. Why, well rea d on and I will explain.

But first, let me tell you how I got here, and why I’m
writing this page about Affiliate Elite…

It would have been about three weeks ago now, I was browsing
the internet and working on my online business when I
noticed an email from an associate raving about this
affiliate tool “Affiliate Elite “, by Bryxen and Bra d

As with most promotional emails I would have usually deleted
this email but my associate who I trust and respect when it
comes to online software tools, which is the only reason I
opened the email that was in front of me in the first place.
So here I am…

“But why do I dislike Affiliate Tools with a fanatic’s
Give me a minute and I will explain…

I spend allot of hours online working on my online business
rea ding emails reviewing products and generally staying up
with the latest developments in marketing and promotion
online. In short I am a seasoned internet user and am very
aware of all these so called Affiliate Guru’s trying to
peddle their Affiliate tools.

But, I have never been a big fan of Affiliate tools – having
an affiliate tool that can find 1,000 other affiliates
promoting the same product at the click of a button isn’t
much of an a dvantage to the average internet user. Actually
what it does do is scare the pants off me until of course
you rea d the really great sales page and lots of newbie’s
see it and think they are going to make a fortune, so they
rip out their credit cards and bu y it.

Then, the same guys who raced out to bu y the affiliate tool
realize that having 1,000 affiliates marketing the same
product doesn’t mean anything if you can’t use the software
and if you use a dwords for those Affiliate Products it could
end up costing you much much more than the affiliate tool

Great for the affiliate guru’s who are creating and making a
killing on the software – very crappy for the unfortunate
internet marke ter who just parted with his hard earned cash
and hours of wasted time…

So you could imagine my face when I saw my frien d’s e-mail
recommending Affiliate Elite . As I said, it was only
because he is usually right on with his information that I
even clicked opened the email.

On reaching the Affiliate Elite web site, I was pretty
impressed with the sales copy, as usual Bra d Callen ha d
every aspect covered and even more impressed with some of
the fantastic features that this program appears to have –
reverse google search, Easily find profitable affiliate
products and much more…

Before I go on, a Reverse Google Search is when you can
track a web site or websites using their keywords, links,
A ds that are actually listed in google natural listings. You
just plug the website into Affiliate Elite and all the
information is revealed to you.

Here?s that secret link again:

Sounds great right , but I must be honest with you..
At this point, I was still thinking to myself, “informative
site, great video’s and lots of useful features, this could
work… but yet again, it’s just another Affiliate Tool…
so forget it”

I closed the window and left the site… about a week later
my frien d emailed me, letting me know that he ha d purchased
this software and ha d set up his business sites with some of
the information obtained from Affiliate Elite, he ha d also
included a dwords into his arsenal and he was now making
about $300 a week extra from the changes. He also said to
stop doing everything the hard way and just try Affiliate
Elite and see the difference for yourself. After all I ha d
nothing to lose with a 60 day money bac k No question Ask!

Having touched on my curious side I did just that.

Just so you know, I did purchase and only for these
reasons… well, firstly to stop his whining and secondly
the cost was minimal compared to losing income on my
websites and really i just ha d to know, even though my
intention was to just file it away for another day – when my
frien d started up again – in fact he was pestering the hell
out of me to get using Affiliate Elite once I ha d it
downloa ded!

So I decided to sit down for 15 minutes, and give him a
chance to show me what all the fuss was about. After the
install which was very simple I started to play around with
the program features.

I quickly realized that my 15 minutes wasn’t going to be
enough, I don’t think even an hour would be…

Does It Work?.. Rea d On…

Can it really do what it claims it can. Give Affiliates An
Unfair A dvantage
Can a newbie configure Affiliate Elite without needing a
computer degree.
…And does it actually make money by placing you into the
right affiliate products…

The problem with this Affiliate Tool is it’s no different to
any other I have used or so I thought, after the initial
setup I realized that this ha d some real power…

PS- It’s not $1,397… or even $997, or even… heck, I will
just let you go to the page and see…

And Liberty And Justice for All

—– Original Message —–=20

From: Its =
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2008 6:02 PM
Subject: .. And Liberty And Justice for All.

Its Good Business

The Internet =

The Forgotten =

The Forgotten Man was the man bourne out of the Great =
Depression. He=20
came to symbolize all that America was and could be. He was the =
Joe, the hard working men and women that would as they always do, =
the call to raise the country up. Each citizen has within them the =
and the ability to move a nation to action.=20

In the 30’s FDR attempted to stimulate the economy and create =
jobs by=20
developing our municipalities. Many of our roads, highways and =
bridges the=20
infrastructure of a nation was built. Baby boomers watched their =
toil many hours of hard labor in order to feed their families. It =
was good=20
work, honest work yet hard work. Their children watched their =
fathers come home day after day and yearned for a better life.=20

Many of the baby boomer generation that I have met are self =
made men.=20
They had the desire to fulfill the American Dream. To live in =
freedom, the=20
capacity to exercise choice and free will instead of work to earn =
income for someone else. To exact their liberty, choosing to use =
rights to act and dictate their lives be lived in a manner of =
their own=20
choosing. They risked the safety and security of working long =
hours for someone else in order for them to be successful. They =
the enslavement of business owners determining how much they =
earned and=20
how their time would be spent in order to achieve someone else’s =
They refused to be subject to the influences of the day stifling =
entrepreneurial spirit.=20

I’d like to share one story of The Forgotten Man and the power =
of the=20
entrepreneurial spirit. One self made man who’s story encompasses =
so many.=20
A young man full of hope for a better life than his father who =
drove a=20
delivery truck for the newspaper company. A union man, up well =
before the=20
sun rose and home asleep exhausted well before the young man was. =
was very little time to share with each other. But the boy was =
fed, had a=20
home and ran the streets with his friends getting into trouble as =
many did=20
in those days. It was a hard world, a tough world and it left an=20
impression on the young man. His family, too poor to send him to =
he was destined to live out the same fate as his father. Then =
World War II=20
struck and he enlisted in the Navy. On leave he met the woman who =
would be=20
his future wife. He had hopes, he had dreams, to provide a better =
way of=20
life for those he would be destined to be responsible for.=20

This Forgotten Man returned from the war and ran into one of =
his old=20
buddies who got him a job at a sales company as a warehouse man. =
It was=20
hard work, labor intensive and dirty. But he was smart as a whip =
and began=20
to study. This was a sales company and he intended to rise up =
through the=20
ranks. He stayed late and cleaned the warehouse and got to speak =
with the=20
owner. Learning all he could. He worked his way into the office =
side and=20
earned the opportunity to go on the road representing his company =
as part=20
of the sales force. He married and in two short years had a child =
another on the way. He worked feverishly, gone many days on the =
road in=20
order to provide for his new family.=20

By the early sixties he owned his own home, a wife, three =
children and=20
a meager existence. He realized his own children were growing up =
him. Beginning to understand fully his own father’s plight he =
continued to=20
work up through the ranks trying to earn a coveted spot in the =
prosperous territories. He succeeded through his wit and tenacity =
and was=20
awarded the right to set up a home office and base himself from =
home. So=20
days he was not on the road or in a sales meeting he was able to =
time with his family. Life was getting better, but he remained =
and focused. He wanted more.=20

In the early 70’s his boss and mentor was looking to retire and =
his business. This was our man’s chance. He gathered his friend =
together they eked out some capitol and bought the business. He =
now owned=20
controlling interest in his own company and a new entrepreneur was =
He now had a wife and three children a simple home with no =
furniture in=20
his home other than the essentials, no fancy car or great riches, =
he went=20
without those luxuries but it was all well worth it to him. The =
man who=20
cleaned the warehouse now owned that very company and his future. =
He built=20
his business on honesty and ethics and sound advice putting =
himself on the=20
map and the road to success. Our man did well in the end and lived =
a good=20
life. Fulfilling his promise to himself and his family, giving his =

children a better life than he had with all the advantages that he =
In the 90’s this Forgotten Man sold his business and retired =
and is now=20
living a simple life in warmer climates. Much that we all wish for =
Unfortunately that story has become increasingly more difficult to =
these days. Small businesses take the brunt of many of our =
regulatory actions. Excessive and complicated tax codes, =
overhead, land to build and lack of opportunity stunt the =
spirit. The ability to work from home and control your life, the =
promise of freedom, justice and liberty for all seems lost =
compared to the=20
era I just shared. But it is not, for those that believe, the =
offers that opportunity. You can develop a real business online, =
you just=20
need to find that business that will grow over time and build on =

As our story shows, this man spent decades building a business =
in order=20
to prosper and fulfill his dreams. That applies today as much as =
it did=20
then. The premise that there is a get rich quick formula is bogus =
preys on your hopes and dreams. But there are mentors out there =
like our=20
forgotten man’s mentor, willing to take a chance on you and help =
succeed, you just need to find them. The truth of the matter is, =
no where=20
but on the Internet can you find a business that you can build, =
requiring much capital like our forgotten man needed, no over =
head, no=20
staff, and your business can be built by comparison in the =
fraction of the=20
time. It is possible if you are a true entrepreneur, take the =
risk, stay=20
focused and believe in yourself enough to stick with the decision =
you have=20
made. Grow your business and it will grow you.=20

I believe in the entrepreneurial spirit and the success story =
of this=20
forgotten man. I know him well. This scrappy maverick was my =
Father, my=20
hero and champion. He bestowed upon me all his wisdom, his savvy, =
knowledge. I am here on the Internet growing a successful business =
following in his footsteps. Breaking ground with like minded =
in an effort to help others succeed. I ask you to join me and my =
entrepreneurs at Its Good Business and learn how you can grow a =
true home=20
business. To no longer be the forgotten man, but the success story =
pass on your knowledge to others. I am living proof that it can be =
and I believe in you and that you can have the freedom to control =
your own=20
destiny and fulfill the legacy of the American dream.=20
Entrepreneurs are turning their dreams of today into the source =
wealth and prosperity of Tomorrow for all.=20

The Marketing Strategy Behind Its Good Business

Get Inspired and Motivated

Please, take a moment to come and discuss our strategy to =
financial freedom and independence on Saturdays at 1pm PST and =
at 7pm PST ItsGoodBusiness password: prophet=20

Its Good is reaching out across the globe and =
with like minded free thinking individuals who still believe in =
the dream=20
and the entrepreneurial spirit. We have created a group who has=20
successfully built real businesses online and we wish to share =
message with you. Its Good Business is an international =
organization of=20
global business professionals who’s motivation is in helping =
anyone with=20
the burning desire for freedom and independence achieve that =

Corie Wallace – Marketing Strategy Specialist
Its =
Business Sales and Marketing Director
>From Marketing =
Strategies to=20
Online Sales Techniques,
Search Engine Optimization and =
Promoting on Google
Phone: 508.801.6290
Email:=20 =



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Fw: Financial Help

—– Original Message —–=20

From: DreamWeaver
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2008 9:34 AM
Subject: Financial Help
Hello ,


Can money grow on trees?.=20


Can retirement be sweet?


Oh Yes Ohh Yes


Click on Financial Help.

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